We Love Having Folks Join Us!
Our worship blends traditional and contemporary elements in an informal and comfortable environment with excellent music. We will share our hymnals, warmly greet you at the Peace, and invite you to join us for coffee hour, but introverts take heart—you will not be singled out in an embarrassing way. If you are not familiar with the Episcopal Church, or if you are new to church altogether, this handy guide from the Diocese of Olympia will give you an overview of what happens when (and why).
When you come to church with us you might be welcomed by our ballroom-dancing greeter, or sit next to the man whose mother played the organ here many years ago, or take communion with the woman who grew up here, got married here, and now has grandchildren who were baptized here. You might hear one of our Colorado Episcopal Service Corps young adults reading a lesson or leading the prayers, or be greeted by Violet or Phoenix, two of our four-legged members of the congregation who come on Sunday morning. Breaking bread together is at the heart of who we are as a community. All are welcome at God’s table at St. Peter and St. Mary’s Church.
We are currently worshipping in-person outdoors on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am.